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薑黃粉 2茶匙(10ml)
咖喱粉 1湯匙(15ml)
酥油 1湯匙(15ml)
酸奶 2湯匙(30ml)
橄欖油 2湯匙(30ml)
麪包 兩片
嫩豆腐 350克
新鮮香菜 一把
辣椒 適量
牛油果 一隻
紅辣椒 一個
青檸汁 適量
橄欖油 適量


  1. 在不粘鍋中加入30ml橄欖油,煎出泡沫時加入10ml薑黃粉和15ml咖喱粉,翻炒一會後加入豆腐塊兒。用勺子或鏟子碾碎豆腐,將他們全部裹上香料,並在鍋裏稍加熱一下即可。

    Step 1COOK THE TOFUAdd the ghee to a small non stick frying pan. Let it melt and begin to bubble, then stir in the turmeric and curry powder. Let the spices toast for a minute before adding the block of tofu. Use a spoon or spatula to break it up and coat all the pieces in the spiced butter. Only cook for a few minutes to heat the tofu through.

    「塑身低碳水」豆腐新花樣-咖喱炒豆腐配牛油果醬的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 在鍋裏拌入30ml酸奶,加入切碎的香菜。根據自己口味加鹽和辣椒調味。

    Step 2ADD THE YOGHURTStir through the yoghurt then chop the coriander and add that too. Season well with salt and pepper.

    「塑身低碳水」豆腐新花樣-咖喱炒豆腐配牛油果醬的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 製作牛油果醬。用勺子挖出牛油果肉並切碎,加入青檸汁、橄欖油、紅椒和鹽拌勻。把牛油果醬塗在烤好的麪包上,頂部配上炒豆腐。

    Step 3MAKE THE GUACAMOLEDe-stone the avocado and scoop out the flesh. Tip it into a small mixing bowl and mash with the lime juice and olive oil. Toast the bread then spread over the avocado. Top with the creamy scrambled tofu.

    「塑身低碳水」豆腐新花樣-咖喱炒豆腐配牛油果醬的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 最後,用切碎的紅椒和少量香菜裝飾,兩人份的炒嫩豆腐配牛油果醬就可以上桌啦。
    Step 4SERVE UP! Slice the chilli and use it to garnish with a few extra sprigs of coriander. Serves 2

    「塑身低碳水」豆腐新花樣-咖喱炒豆腐配牛油果醬的做法步驟圖 第5張