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番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup

番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖

serves 1


飲用水*drinking water 500毫升*500ml
米粉*rice noodles 1人份*1 portion
老豆腐*firm tofu 250克*250g
番茄*cherry tomato 6顆*6
紫洋蔥*red onion 50克*50g
青金桔*lime 8顆*8
蔥*spring onion 3克*3g
生抽*light soy sauce 1/8杯*1/8 cup
芝麻油*sesame oil 1/3湯匙*1/3 tablespoon
花椒油*zanthoxylum oil 1/4茶匙*1/4 teaspoon
椒鹽*spiced salt 2/3茶匙*2/3 teaspoon

番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法  

  1. 把老豆腐切塊, 紫洋蔥切成長條, 小番茄對半切, 青金桔從中間切半去籽, 蔥切成蔥花, 調料用量杯及量勺量好。
    Cut the firm tofu into pieces, cut the red onion into strips and cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the middle of limes  and remove the seeds, chop the spring onion, and use measuring cup and spoons to prepare the seasonings.

    番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 飲用水倒入鍋中, 放入豆腐塊, 紫洋蔥條, 小番茄, 生抽, 芝麻油, 花椒油及椒鹽, 用大火煮開。
    Pour the drinking water into the pot, add the tofu blocks, red onion slices, tomatoes, light soy sauce, sesame oil, zanthoxylum oil and salt, and boil over high heat.

    番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 水滾後放入米粉, 中火煮6分鐘。
    After the water is boiling, add rice noodles then cook in medium heat for 6 minutes.

    番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 把煮好的湯米粉倒入碗中, 取13顆切半的青金桔擠汁在湯米粉裡, 留3顆切半的青金桔備用。
    Pour the cooked rice noodle soup into a bowl, take 13 half-cut lime and squeeze its juice into the rice noodle soup, and reserve 3 half-cut limes for later.

    番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. 撒上蔥花, 並將3顆切半的青金桔裝飾在湯米粉上。
    Sprinkle with chopped spring onion and decorate 3 chopped limes on top of the rice noodle soup.

    番茄洋蔥豆腐湯米粉 Tomato Onion Tofu Rice Noodle Soup的做法步驟圖 第6張


每100克青金桔果肉內含維生素C 40~50毫克及維生素A, P和芳香油, 類胡羅蘿蔔素等多種物質, 可以治療眼疾, 咳嗽, 哮喘, 高血壓, 防止動脈硬化, 預防感冒, 降低血脂。青金桔裡面含有較多的糖分, 會容易引起血糖波動, 不適合糖尿病人食用, 若是糖尿病患者想嘗試這道料理, 建議可將青金桔改為檸檬。
Every 100g of lime flesh contains 40-50mg of vitamin C and vitamin A, P and aromatic oil, carotenoids and other substances, can treat eye diseases, cough, asthma, hypertension, prevent arteriosclerosis, prevent colds, reduce blood fat. Lime contains quite a lot of sugar, which can easily cause fluctuations in blood sugar and is not suitable for diabetics, if diabetics want to try this dish, it is recommended that use lemon instead of lime.

TAG標籤:豆腐湯 Rice Tomato onion Tofu #