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蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce

蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法圖解 蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法步驟


This mushroom is possibly the healthiest food there is, in fact it is one of only two foods used as medicine for the treatment of cancer. It’s not the best tasting mushroom there is, but this recipe turns it into the most delicious meal. Healthy, easy and really delicious, you can’t go wrong. Give it a try.


香菇 6個(約300g)
豬頸背肉(梅花肉) 200g
蠔油 1-2湯勺tbsps
油、鹽 適量
辣椒 適量

蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法  

  1. 準備食材

    蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法圖解 蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法步驟 第2張
  2. 將香菇去蒂,洗淨攥幹水分,豬肉和香菇都切成1cm左右的丁備用,辣椒切小段備用。

    蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法圖解 蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法步驟 第3張
  3. 炒鍋內加入平時炒菜的油稍少些,中火,將肉丁下鍋炒制有點焦黃後加入辣椒炒出香味。

    蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法圖解 蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法步驟 第4張
  4. 加入香菇丁炒到有點微微發軟後加入蠔油和適量的鹽繼續炒均勻,稍微收汁就完成了。

    蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法圖解 蠔油香菇丁 Shiitake mushroom in oyster sauce的做法步驟 第5張

