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芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus

芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法步驟圖

Delicious Chinese Food No.3: Fried shrimps with celery and black fungus
中式佳餚系列3: 芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁


木耳balck fungus 適量(appropriate amount)
西芹celery 適量(appropriate amount)
蝦仁shrimps 適量(appropriate amount)
鹽salt 適量(appropriate amount)
雞精chicken seasoning 適量(appropriate amount)
水water 適量(appropriate amount)
油oil 適量(appropriate amount)

芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法  

  1. 芹菜切塊




    cut the celery into small pieces

    soak dry black fungus and wash it

    boil shrimps for preparation

    heat the pan,pour some oil into the pan

    put the celery and the black fungus into the pan,fry it for a while

    芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 放入適量鹽、雞精和少量水,翻炒
    put salt,chicken seasoning and water in appropriate amount,fry it

    芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. 蝦仁倒入鍋中翻炒

    pour shrimps into the pan and fry it

    芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. 完成

    芹菜黑木耳炒蝦仁fried shrimps with celery and black fungus的做法步驟圖 第5張