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German Cheese Cake/德國芝士蛋糕

German Cheese Cake/德國芝士蛋糕的做法步驟圖

The most delicious traditional German cake you can think of. Very easy to make and really rewarding when you eat. Also many options to decorate if you want to bring for a party.


奶油奶酪 525克
雞蛋 5個
消化餅乾 125克
黑巧克力 70克
細砂糖 180克
黃油 125克
檸檬汁 20滴
香草 10滴
夸克奶酪 250克
蛋清 3只
藍莓 125克

German Cheese Cake/德國芝士蛋糕的做法  

  1. Look below

    German Cheese Cake/德國芝士蛋糕的做法步驟圖 第2張


My Chinese is not very good, so I don’t know how to describe here properly.. but if you want a more detailed description you can add me on WeChat and I would be happy to help.
My ID: TheOneAndOnlyJonas

TAG標籤:cheese 蛋糕 German 芝士 cake #