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二人份的西式午餐/晚餐!自制酸甜口味的意式沙拉醬,和煎三文魚絕配❤️【抱歉沒過程圖片😅以上是我白天上學帶午的成品圖片】Italian dinner intended to serve two. Chickpea Salad compliments pan-seared salmon really well thanks to a slight sour taste in the dressing. Picture above is me packing lunch; sorry for the lack of progress pictures!


三文魚 2塊
黑胡椒粉 2勺
檸檬 1個
鷹嘴豆 一罐~300克
橄欖油 2勺
菠菜 150g
刺山柑 一小罐~100g
蒜泥 2勺
意式調料混合 1包


  1. 【鷹嘴豆】鷹嘴豆從罐子裏取出,液體存留一小碗,待用。將鷹嘴豆在烤盤上攤開,可用廚房用紙吸乾水分。灑一勺橄欖油,加意式調料拌勻。願意吃蒜的可以加點蒜泥。放入烤箱500度15分鐘(我是懶人,所以15分鐘包括預熱)若沒有意式調料混合包,具體配置在下一步。Take out chickpeas from can and save the liquid for later. Rince & dry before spreading on oven pan. Add small amounts of olive oil, Italian seasoning and mix well. Broil in oven at 500 degrees for 15 minutes, including preheat (because I’m lazy).

    酸甜清爽鷹嘴豆沙拉🥗+煎三文魚的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. 【意大利式調料】願意挑戰自己混合意式調料的,具體配置包括:oregano, basil, thyme, sage, marjoram, rosemary,各半勺。我比較懶,作爲學生也沒啥時間,強推買現成的😆。Italian seasoning ingredients ^ for anyone hoping for a challenge. Personally too lazy so I recommend buying a spice pack.

  3. 【沙拉醬】將刺山柑從罐裏取出,用清水沖洗一下,然後同鷹嘴豆一樣擦乾放入碗中。擠出半個檸檬🍋,放入半包意式調料拌勻。將菠菜洗淨放入醬汁中攪拌,備用。Remove capers from can, rinse and dry before adding to bowl. Squeeze in half a lemon and add the remaining half a packet of Italian seasoning. Wash and dry spinach, and add it into dressing. Mix well.

  4. 【三文魚】在平底鍋中加入少許橄欖油,加熱後放入三文魚。煎到金黃即可翻邊。擠上少許檸檬🍋以及根據個人口味撒些黑胡椒粉和鹽。若不是像我一樣帶飯的話就最好分開,不要讓沙拉變熱。Add small amounts of olive oil if you wish and pan-sear salmon. Flip when golden. Add garnishes according to personal taste— I used some lemon, pepper and salt. Highly recommend separating it when serving so salad doesn’t get hot. I was packing lunch and couldn’t be bothered but it’s not ideal.

    酸甜清爽鷹嘴豆沙拉🥗+煎三文魚的做法步驟圖 第3張

